The renowned business guru Stephen Covey used to tell a story about a man in the woods who had been working hard for hours sawing down a tree. A passerby noticed how exhausted the woodsman was and suggested that the he took a break to sharpen his saw…this way he could cut the tree down more quickly. But the woodsman replied, “I don’t have time to sharpen the saw. Don’t you see I’m too busy?”
In many ways your website can be a bit like this.
Like it or not web technology and visual fashions both drive change at an alarming rate. One moment its cool to have a sort of all-on-one-page portal type look, then the next moment it’s all open and airy and minimalist instead. Technology also drives change. New browsers and the move to mobile devices are just two examples of how technology also drives change. Both of these affect what people expect what they arrive at your site.
Worse still when a key tech giant like Google decide to start penalising non mobile friendly pages by lowering their ranking in the search engine results. This is happening now.
Unless you make the time to keep your site up to date visually and technically with a regular website redevelopment, you’ll soon fall behind. Your prospective customers are more web savvy now than they have ever been before. Every day they are using leading edge sites from some of the biggest corporates in the world. This sets their expectation and they will judge you.
But we want you to be proud of your site. Your business needs you to be proud of your site. You can be proud of your site.
Picture this, you’re on the way to a meeting and you’re chatting to someone about what you do…but you don’t have time to stand and talk. What do you do? Well if you’ve got confidence and pride in your site you can just hand them a card and say “here, have a look at the site then give me a shout if you think we might be able to help”…confident in the knowledge that your site will put you, and your business, in a good light.
You want to make the site earn its keep. It’s needs to be useful to you and save you time. Making it easier for you to do business and easier to win new business.
But you’re very busy at the moment – just like the chap in the woods with the saw.
We get that.
We’ve been helping businesses get their website redevelopment sorted out for over 13 years now so we know what we’re doing. We’ve worked with the whole spectrum of customers, large and small so we’ve probably shared your pain.
We can find a way to help you sharpen your saw… even if you are really busy at the moment.
So do it. Take the first step now. All we need is your name and site URL and we’ll send you a free website appraisal report. It’ll take less time than it would to put down your saw and put the kettle on.